Airport Hangars & Museums

Pima Air & Space Museum, Hangar #5, Tucson, AZ

27,000 Square Feet

35'-0" Low Eave

This museum hangar at Pima Air and Space Museum incorporates a 120' clear span, 3 large overhead doors with swing-away mullions (for changing museum planes), and a support beam for suspending planes from the roof.

Ascent Aviation Interior, Tucson, AZ

49,000 Square Feet

49'-0" Low Eave


This maintenance hangar was built on an existing site with bi-parting rolling hangar doors and a translucent light band. The building was part of a a quick-turn project, with the entire project from ground break to completed in 6 months.

MedTrans Helicopter Hangar, St. David, AZ

3,000 Square Feet

20'-0" Low Eave

This Medical Helicopter Hangar serves a remote area of Cochise County. Light Transmitting Panels on the upper walls take advantage of natural light, and interior panels to 8' protect the walls from daily wear and tear. A Horton Stack Door creates a space saving system that can operate even during a power outage.

Spirit of Freedom Hangar, Tucson, AZ

41,000 Square Feet

45'-0" Low Eave Asymmetrical


This hangar was added onto the main hangar, with special procedures as construction occurred while the adjacent hangar was open to the public. A 141' clear span in asymmetrical design creates enough height for the PBR aircraft.  

City Airport Hangar, Show Low, AZ

24,300 Square Feet

23'-9" Low Eave


Erect a 270'x90' hangar provided by the General Contractor during winter in high elevations.

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Arizona ROC#188336 © Steadfast Structures, Inc. 2024